Have You Checked Your Basement Recently?

Eugene Vargas

How much time do you spend in your basement? Perhaps, you don't go down there very often? When you do venture into the basement, there is probably not much to keep you down there for long, but next time you take a trip to the basement, take a look around. Is the room as dry as it should be? You should notice if the basement is filling with water, but often water damage is less obvious. Perhaps, the walls are damp to the touch, or there are signs of mould. Maybe, there is a sense of dampness in the atmosphere or even droplets of water forming. Depending on what you store in the basement, you may think that dampness is not much of a problem, but water damage in your basement can spread throughout your property and have devastating consequences. If you notice that water is starting to appear in your basement, it is time to speak to a waterproofing company and find out what basement waterproofing solutions they can offer.

Speak to a waterproofing company

The best way to prevent water damage in your basement or another area of your property is to work with a waterproofing company to install a protective waterproof membrane. A waterproof membrane will keep your basement and everything in it dry. The membrane will also protect the fabric of your building and prevent water damage from causing more serious fabric issues. If water is allowed to reach the foundations of your home, it could cause extensive deterioration so that the foundations will eventually need to be replaced. If there is reinforced concrete in any part of your building, water damage could penetrate the concrete and start to corrode the steel rods within, ultimately causing structural failure as the rods rust and the concrete cracks. Installing a waterproof membrane will stop the damage before it can start.

What solution fits your basement?

There are several basement waterproofing solutions that a waterproofing company could suggest. It's best to start by inviting the waterproofing company to inspect your basement. Once they have determined the size of the basement and located all the ways that water might enter the space, they can see which techniques they could use to successfully waterproof the room. The company will share the results of their investigation with you and explain which basement waterproofing solutions could be a good fit for your situation.

