Septic System Design Considerations for Your New Home

Eugene Vargas

As part of your new residential construction planning, you should think about how the wastewater that will be generated within the property will be disposed of. Generally, you must ensure all the wastewater is safely discharged with minimal environmental impact.

If your site does not have access to the public sewer system, you have to invest in a private wastewater treatment solution. One of the options available to you is septic systems, but before deciding, it helps to look into it in more detail.

Check out these two primary factors that will impact the design of your residential septic system.

The applicable building rules and regulations

The rules and regulations governing domestic wastewater drainage and treatment can be quite stringent. If you do not follow these rules to the letter, you may have big problems with your development. For example, you may be required to pay hefty fines for violating the law.

Most septic systems use the same working principle. However, each is built differently. Understanding the system type and distance requirements for the installation of your septic system is crucial for a successful design process.

Depending on the location of your site, there may be restrictions on the type of septic system you can install as well as requirements that must be met to ensure compliant installation.

The size/capacity of your septic tank

The wastewater from your entire home will end up in the septic tank before it is broken down and separated into sludge, scum and effluent.  Sludge and scum remain within the tank awaiting pumping while the effluent is released into the drain field via an outlet pipe.

Your septic system will require a properly sized tank to function properly and save money. An undersized tank will cause problems, such as sewer blockages, bad smells and sewer backups while a larger one will cost you more to install.

An accurate estimation of your home's daily wastewater volume is necessary to get the correct size of tank for your septic system installation.

Several other factors, including your budget, the slope of your site and the soil type, will also impact your septic system design. The best way to get the appropriate septic system for your needs is to work with a professional, from design to installation. They will assess your needs and requirements and help you make an informed investment decision.

Contact a wastewater design company today to discuss your project.

